Lunch-Check is lowering the commission to 0.95 %

13. June 2023

Good news for catering establishments
As of 1 July 2023, we will lower the commission from 1.25 % to 0.95 % – in other words, by 24 %! A powerful statement – especially in times of inflation. Many other providers still have significantly higher commissions.

The primary goal of the Swiss Lunch-Check Cooperative is to strengthen the catering industry – and has done so for over 60 years. To this day, we strive every day to offer the best possible conditions to catering establishments. This affects more than just commission:

Advertising for your catering establishment
Over 9,000 members of Swiss Lunch-Check benefit from free advertising. We regularly feature restaurants in our “Gastro-Tipp” section – both on our website and on social media channels (Facebook and Instagram). Each member is of course also listed in our restaurant directory. Perhaps your establishment will soon be among them? Visit to see all the benefits and apply for your free membership. We look forward to your visit!

Incidentally, Lunch-Check products are also advertised by other companies – for example in the Coop Supercard premium shop and the UBS KeyClub.

Investments in gastronomy
As a cooperative, we do not distribute profits, as is the case with credit card companies, for example. Instead, we reinvest these funds in expanding the range of services and making the catering sector more attractive.

25 % more turnover for catering establishments
In 2022, the number of people redeeming Lunch-Check contributions was around 150,000. This resulted in catering establishments achieving a total turnover of around 137 million Swiss francs – 25 % more than in 2021! This positive development shows that consumers are able and willing to spend their Lunch-Check credit again after the challenging pandemic years of 2020 and 2021.

Highly popular throughout Switzerland
Today, 1,200 companies across Switzerland provide Lunch-Check contributions to their employees. This is an attractive additional social benefit – also financially, because no social contributions are due up to CHF 180 per month and person. All benefits for employers and employees are listed on lunch

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